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The Beauty of Imperfection: Embracing the Rawness of Live Music Photography.

Updated: Dec 22, 2024

As a live music photographer, I’ve seen and clicked it all. I have grown to embrace and enjoy the rawness of concert photography.

Sure, perfect photographs are nice, but there's something special about capturing a moment that's not quite perfect. Capturing the essence of the music and the musicians are what I pride myself most on, and what I aim to capture in my lens.

At The Music Soup, we appreciate these flaws, and I want to discuss why we do.

©Cheryl Alterman Photography

The Energy of Live Shows

If you’ve ever attended a live music event, you know how awesome it can be...the vibe, the energy, and the excitement.

I aim to capture this energy, and sometimes the best way to do so is to embrace the flaws.

The out-of-focus lighting, blurring gestures, and chaotic stage presence all add to the experience's authenticity.

The Magic of the Moment

In concert and live music photography, moments are fleeting, and you never know when something amazing is going to happen.

It might sometimes feel like you’ve captured nothing, but when you look back at these candid shots, you realize they’re full of life and energy. They convey the magic of the moment...and that’s what makes them so special.

©Cheryl Alterman Photography

The Imperfections are Part of the Story

Live band photography is like a story. The smeared makeup, the sweat on the forehead, and the blur of movement can all reflect the intensity and emotion of the show.

These are all part of the story we’re telling, and for us, this is what makes live music band photography so captivating.

©Cheryl Alterman Photography

The Creativity in Imperfection

As I've mentioned, live music event photography can give imperfections a sense of creativity and uniqueness to the images.

Playing with lighting, angles, and shadows can create stunning results that are original and unlike any other. The beauty of imperfection is that you never know what you’ll end up with...and that’s the thrill of it all.

©Cheryl Alterman Photography

Capturing Memories

We understand the importance of capturing memories here at The Music Soup. Our goal is to create images that can transport people back to that moment in time, the feel of the venue, the energy of the crowd, and the music. The imperfections are what makes it all come to life.

Imperfections brings a sense of authenticity and creativity to the images that tell a story beyond words.

©Cheryl Alterman Photography

Want to see more of our work or have a live music event coming up? Be sure to visit We guarantee to capture the rawness and beauty of your event.

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