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Rodrigo y Gabriela live at Oxbow River Stage, Napa.

Updated: Sep 10, 2023

These two have surely been at the top of their game for many years. And they should definitley be at the top of your list if you like instumental guitar on steroids! The guitar playing duo, Rodrigo y Gabriela have carved a niche for themselves in the Flamenco meets Metal category, if there was one, they'd surely be number one!

Every time I see this duo, they blow my mind. The beginning of their act seems calm see the two sitting onstage both playing their acoustic guitars. Hold on, because the excitement is building. Dont be fooled, as towards the middle of their set, Rodrigo gets his electric guitar and the two build excitement through their music and everyone starts rocking out. By the end, everyone in the audience is standing, usually with raised devils horns, and punching fists in the air.

Rod y Gab have history together, meeting each other in school in Mexico when they were only 15 years old. They formed quite a bond both musically and personally. They fell in young love and were a couple for about eight years. Even though they are no longer a couple, they still perform together and make quite an extrodinary team.

I have been lucky enough to have seen them about 5 or 6 times. Each time a treat, and each time slightley different, yet the same. The same being that each time, the audience leaves the venue shaking their heads in excitement and disbelief as to what magic this duo can make onstage. 'Magical' would be my first choice in a word, to describe these two top notch musicians and the beautiful sounds they make both onstage and in recordings.

Both Rod y Gab seem like super nice, humble artists that seem to truly appreciate their fans, as much as their fans appreciates them. This is definitley an added unspoken bonus as they both exude enthusiasm in every moment of their set. They seem like they are genuinely loving each minute they get to play for an audience. Which always adds to everyones enjoyment. I try to catch them each time they come around and every show has been a winner, and the content never gets old.

Rod y Gab are only 38 years old and I beleive they have a very long and strong career ahead of them. Treat yourself next time they are in your area....Go and see this act. You will not beleive your eyes and ears!

© Cheryl Alterman Photography 2021

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