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Two Years Later...

Updated: Mar 24, 2024

Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins passed away two years ago, on March 25th 2022, in Bogata, Columbia, South America at the age of 50. I imagine Dave Grohl is having a rough day today on the second anniversary of his best buddys' very premature death. Being in a band is like a being in a marriage. And the loss and suffering through this past two years must have been intense for them all. The thought of being on tour without their band mate brother Taylor must have been heartbreaking, and today must be tough. The suffering we all go through as humans when we lose a loved one in any capacity is painful. But through grieving, growing and healing we can learn to look to the future with clear eyes and open hearts. And just be grateful that the connection existed at all.

Dave Grohl and Taylor Hawkins first met backstage at a music festival. It was when Taylor was on the Jagged Little Pill tour with the Alanis Morissette band. He played with them from 1995-1997. Soon after meeting Dave Grohl, Taylor left Alanis Morissette to join the Foo Fighters in late 1997. Grohl recalled how Hawkins went over to him, introduced himself and said, “Dude, I love your record – it's so cool!” Grohl said within ten seconds of meeting Taylor, he felt like he was his “twin flame, best friend, and spiritual connection”. From that day on, these two were inseparable. At that moment, they started their "bromance" that would last a quarter of a century. An immediate spiritual connection like this happens rarely in life. We can always hope to find a connection like this amongst the 8 billion humans that share this beautiful planet. Sometimes, albeit rare, we do meet a soul connection, like Dave and Taylor did. And if we're lucky enough to find that special connection in this vast sea of 8 billion, hopefully we learn to cherish each moment and be grateful that we were given the chance meeting at all. I have experienced that heart soul connection once in my life, (so far). As did Dave and Taylor. Dave and Taylor had 25 precious years together until that dark day when the very unexpected news broke about Taylor Hawkins' death. Shortly after the news broke, the Colombian authorities announced that Hawkins had ten substances in his system at the time of his death, including benzodiazepines, opioids, tricyclic antidepressants, and THC. Very sad for those surviving him thinking if I only did - (fill in the blank)......he may still be alive.

As you probably have noticed, I am a Foo Fighters fan, and the drums have always been my personal favorite - on any stage. I'd like to honour Taylors' memory today on the anniversary of his death for all us music and drum lovers.

On May 24, 2023 in Gilford, New Hampshire The Foo Fighters headed out on their first tour without Taylor on the drum throne. Rumours were in the air as to who will sit behind the drum kit on tour with the Foo Fighters. We now know it's 51 year old Josh Freese. Hopefully Josh will enjoy his time with the Foo and we will enjoy his drumming.

Everything in life is impermanent. We all suffer loss, in death, romance, jobs, and friendships. Our only option is acceptance, moving on gracefully, being grateful for the love that was shared, and cherish the memories that live on in our hearts that they left behind. But like Foo fans everywhere we have to accept the untimely loss and move on in life, being grateful for what we lost and smile that it happened at all. I had two losses happen on the same day, one personal and one of a drummer I didn't know personally but have admired and appreciated his musical contributions to both Alanis Morisettes music and Foo Fighters. I will always remember the great Taylor Hawkins whilst welcoming Josh Freese as the newest member of the band. When a loved one departs from our lives, what's left are the treasured memories of that connection, which will always remain.

As my favorite saying goes, "Life is short...break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, be kind to each other, and never regret anything that made you smile". Enjoy this gift of life whilst we can....As life gets shorter every day.

The following link is Taylors' 17 year old son Shane Hawkins playing drums for "My Hero" at the Taylor Hawkins memorial concert last year.

Tribute to Taylor Hawkins paperback -

Foo Fighters: The band that Dave Made -

Oliver Taylor Hawkins

February 17, 1972 - March 25, 2022

© Cheryl Alterman Photography

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