From the Editor

Photo by Aaron Rubin
Hello music lovers! In the September issue of The Music Soup, I highlighted artist Roger Dean. His art crosses over into music, and for many years his art has been on numerous album covers. Creating album covers for Yes and Asia as well as the first Virgin logo when Virgin Records began, the Virgin logo design that Roger created, is called "The Twins". And as music and art have always been two of my favourite things in life, I've decided to keep art in the mix and share some of my favourite artists with you to come in the future of this online publication.
I've always thought of art as being a visual form of music, as opposed to what music is best known for, being purely audio. So it makes perfect sense to me, to share my two loves here, art and music. They are two important forms of human creativity. Not exactly the same, but similar. And just think, where would we be without them? It would be a very gray, or black and white world. And as we all, life, romance, friendship, and all human relationships are a full array of colours, they are never just black and white, and shouldn't be treated as such! Same as music and art...they are both very colourful forms of what us humans are capable of creating.
As far as art goes, and the love of art...We buy art for many reasons. Many art investors purchase art not for emotional reasons, or even because they like the piece, they may purchase it for being being 'trendy' or a 'good investment' to resell in the future. Others buy and surround themselves with art for emotional reasons, because they enjoy looking at it. I fall into the latter category. Sometimes this gets combined. I chose art which speaks to me, and I enjoy looking at it in my home. Art can bring the joy of love in your heart or evoke deep feelings of darkness.
There is a wonderful story that Oprah Winfrey tells that I've always loved, from her, podcast, "Motivational Ark" talks series. She tells this heart warming story of a piece she purchased many years ago - a six foot tall painting called, "To The Highest Bidder", by Harry Herman Roseland in 1906, (Pictured below). This painting has always been displayed proudly over her fireplace in the center of her home, so she can see it everyday. It shows a very young slave girl being auctioned off, standing with her mother. Oprah says it reminds her of who she is and where she came from. It was an emotional purchase, rather than an 'investment'. And we all know that Oprah is financially able to purchase any art she could want. But this piece in the center of her home, that she sees everyday, lifts her, at the same time that it keeps her grounded. She even tears up as she tells this beautiful story of how this painting moves her.
In my teens, I was taught to paint by the talented artist William Martin. His brother, Albert and I drove down to Huntington Beach every week, (an hour+ journey) for painting school. Albert is now an art teacher himself. Bill only taught in the old masters style, with teaching us the understanding of underpainting and glazes. Although my personal style grew into a colourful surrealistic-like style, rather than the traditionally darker look of the old masters. I've kept the basics of the old masters' under paintings in my own paintings, the same way that we were taught by Bill.
I've always loved art and art history throughout my life, and today I love and appreciate so many different types of art and styles. Apart from the Old Masters, I also love contemporary artists' work, such as Keith Haring, Robert Deyber, Ronnie Wood, Grace Slick, Joan Miro, Alexander Calder, Mark Dean Veca, Van Gogh, Andy Warhol, and photographers such as Jim Marshall, Annie Leibovitz, Terry O'Neill, Henry Diltz, Mick Rock and more.
Art is so very personal, and can evoke feelings deep down in ones soul. On December 30, last year, someone dear to me surprised me by taking me to see the Michelangelo immersive exhibit in San Francisco. Although it was simply slides projected large on the walls all throughout the room, I felt it brought me closer to the details of the works of Michelangelo, without air travel. Michelangelo is one of my favourite artists. His art is unmistakable and stunning to see. I'm a big fan of the Old Masters style, including, Da Vinci, Breugal, Rembrandt, Vermeer, and Bosch. So this immersive exibit was very uplifting indeed. Only thing better would be flying to Florence, but this treat was without the travel. Speaking of immersive exhibit in the bay area, Roger Dean has an immersive exhibit coming soon to San Francisco.
I hope that by showcasing a bit of art and artists in The Music Soup, you too can be exposed to new and different art that you may not have seen before, or have even heard of. Art can really penetrate your soul if you let it in. We decorate silence with music and our walls with art.
I began including art with a couple of my friends' work. First it was Roger and Freyja Deans' work in the September issue, and this month I had the pleasure of introducing another friend, Lauren Forcella. And the art will continue in The Music Soup. After all, its simply, "music for the eyes!"
Always keep in mind when you see art that speaks to you, and evokes a wonderful emotion deep inside, that lifts your spirits, or simply makes you smile. Enjoy that feeling, and better yet, support that artist by purchasing some of their work. Experiencing wonderful art, whether it be audio or visual, is like that joyful euphoric feeling of falling and/or being in love. So yummy!
Art, music and love...where would human beings be without these?
Remember..."Life is short...break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile".
With peace, love, art and music,