Soup Du Jour

The Music Scene | Covid Edition
The stage was set. Back in the summer of 2020, Covid 19 was rising, and creating the need to experience live music safely in a new and unprecendented way: The Drive In concert was born. At the Alameda Fairgrounds in Pleasanton, California three cover bands took the stage. The venue was set up like a typical drive in movie theatre. For covid safety, every car had an empty space on all four sides and most concert goers were wearing masks. The event was organized well and its organizers did as much as they could to keep people safe. Attendees seemed to enjoy the live music and I think what was more apparent is, after dealing with Corona Virus for months, back then, people were easy to please with any entertainment. All in all the bands were entertaining and the event ran seemlessly with the very experienced music promoter, Roger Shepherd at the helm. He said, "people in the live music industry arent doing anything nowadays, with the virus looming, so I got creative and figured out a way to give music lovers live music in an organized, seemingly safe fashion". Hence, the Drive In Concerts were born. The lights, sound and stage were excellent, and the two screens on either side of the stage made it into a proper concert feel. It was nice to see, that someone got it as right as it can be in the weird unusual times of this pandemic, and social distancing. It was simply fantastic to see people again!
Since the pandemic started, some outdoor stages have been purpose built and people are gathering in large numbers due to our hunger to hear live music again, and see other people out and about again. Whether it be outdoor venues, drive ins, or 'safely' supervised indoor shows, at least we are experiencing live music in some form again! And that is how live music started last summer with Covid in the air back in the summer of 2020.
Now, ending 2021, the live music industry is slowly returning, at both outdoor and indoor venues. No one knows where this re-emergence of life will go. Whether it goes back to the normal we once knew, pre Covid, or a new and different normal that we may presently be unaware of - yet. What ever is in store for humanity in regards to the future of this pandemic, we don't know but we do know that we have been through a tough time thusfar, and we all want an end to the Corona virus.
The pandemic may be here for a we get creative. That means we must get our ya yas in safer ways. Some have tried to figure out how to play music online with other members of their band, or other musicians from around the world, with apps like Jamkazam, Jamulus and several others. But latency has been an issue with those platforms. Some of us have been attending streaming concerts online, others are figuring out ways to provide and attend live music in a safe environment, such as concerts at drive ins, and front porches. Nowadays we have many outdoor venues and outdoor seating at restaurants, specifically because of this pandemic. Others have opened the doors to existing indoor venues and bands have begun to play gigs again. Some venues are shutting their doors to the unvaccinated altogether.
Its all a little up in the air. No formula has really been established for these times. As far as the future of the live music scene, sporting events and large gatherings, it has looked grim for a while, some people who used to be avid concert goers have stopped altogther, while others continue to attend as if nothing was different. We basically dont know what will happen with the virus in the future. Soon, it will be two years we've been living in 'Covid times'. And globally, we seem no further along as to how to do 'normal life'.